The Right to Private Property

Section 7 of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Constitution compares the right to life and liberty with the right to enjoy property. According to the political community of Puerto Rico, “Nobody can be denied their property or freedom without following the proper legal procedures.” This is stated in the Great Charter.”

Not all societies acknowledge and uphold the right to private property, just as Puerto Rico does. Conversely, this is a common practice in societies where economic freedom and political democracy form the foundation of their shared existence. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, one of the leading democracies in the world, protects people from being “denied the right to life, liberty, or property without following the proper legal procedures. Additionally, his private property cannot be taken without just compensation for public use.”Private property refers to the unique and exclusive use of tangible and intangible resources by individuals and legal persons other than the State, is inseparable from economic freedom, which is the right of every individual to make production, exchange and consumption decisions in the pursuit of their well-being, without any obstacles beyond the bare minimum required to protect others’ rights.

In turn, the free market economy—which has shown to be the most adaptable and practical type of social structure to deal with the significant issues that comprise the “Economic Problem”—is founded on the concept of economic freedom. This includes what should be produced. To what extent? How? And for what purpose? The intricate social fabric that involves determining how best to distribute goods and services among society’s members, develop novel technologies, and make effective use of limited productive resources is summed up by these questions. The free-market economy is the most successful economic system known so far in human history, and it operates.

Aristotle, perhaps the best-known of the ancient Greek philosophers, said that what is not anyone’s property is not cared for properly because everyone assumes that it is being handled by someone else. One of the main issues with the central economic planning system that ultimately led to the collapse of the former Soviet Union was the lack of motivation to effectively utilize a productive resource that belongs to “everyone” in an abstract sense rather than any one person.

Now, as with all rights, the right to private property has its limitations. One of them is that a free-market economy that functions well and promotes economic freedom is at odds with an excessive concentration of property. The market system assumes the free competition of many individual economic agents that compete with each other for the economic opportunities that arise. This, in turn, assumes a large population of entrepreneurial agents, for which the ownership of productive resources mustn’t be concentrated in a few hands. For instance, attempts by an economic agent to monopolize a market—which is equivalent to trying to focus control over business management at the expense of other competitors and customers—are illegal under US law.

What Is Private Property Law?

Private property is having our own home, a car in our name, or any asset that we own and that we can enjoy to our liking or lend to whoever we want. It facilitates the protection of the individual against the State and institutions. In the economic and political system, knowing what the right to private property is is part of the basic knowledge of our rights as individuals.

Private property is, at the same time, a legal and economic concept. It implies full legal power over what you own and the right to use it according to your interest, whether this is an objective of financial exploitation or an aim of enjoyment, that is, of pure leisure. In summary, the right of private property delves into the right of people or organizations to possess, dispose of and control an asset. Provided, of course, that its use does not violate the freedom and rights of others.

In Spain, the right to private property is one of the fundamental rights included in the legal norms that regulate coexistence in our country. When explaining the right to private property, it is also essential to be aware that it extends beyond the life of the owner. That is the property owned passes as an inheritance to the person chosen by the original owner, always following the laws that regulate inheritance.

What laws protect the right to private property?

In Western society, private property is something assumed almost intuitively by citizens. It is, in a way, in our collective psyche. Therefore, beyond knowing what the right to private property is, what is really interesting is knowing how and with what laws it is protected against actions that may be confusing or harmful to the owners.


 Constitution is the supreme norm by which the entire legal system is governed. All citizens and all public institutions are subject to it. The Magna Carta includes the right to private property in its article 33 :

“The right to private property and inheritance is recognized. These rights’ social function will specify their content in compliance with the laws. Nobody’s property or rights may be taken away from them unless there is a legitimate reason for doing so that serves the public good or the interests of society, in compliance with the law’s provisions and with appropriate compensation.

The Constitution is the starting point for understanding the right to private property and how any guarantees this right. As we can read in the text, yes, property can be confiscated only in the event that there is a general interest, and in this case, the owner will have the right to compensation.

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

This text includes all the civil, economic, political, and social rights of European citizens and people living in their territory. It also clarifies the right to private property and the need to respect it.

Article 17 of the same highlights that “Every person has the right to enjoy ownership of their legally acquired property, to use it, to dispose of it and to bequeath it.” The Spanish Constitution states that citizens ” may only be deprived of their property ” in cases of public interest and must be compensated if this occurs.

 Civil Code

It is the fundamental law of civil law and also deals with the right to private property, in this case from its article 348.

Like the legal norms that we have already discussed, the Civil Code insists that no individual can be deprived of private property except in the case of a greater public need. In addition, it guarantees the possibility of reclaiming our property in the event that it is in the hands of a third party who is not the legitimate owner.

On the other hand, the Civil Code also details that when referring to the right of private property, the individual is also the owner of the fruits offered by the property they own. In this case, we can talk about civil fruits (rental income, for example), natural fruits (what the exploitation of an agricultural property can give), or industrial fruits (what the owner of a company or industry manufactures).

The formulas for becoming an owner are also indicated, either through a purchase, an inheritance, or the event that someone owns an asset for some time in good faith, and it eventually becomes theirs.

A Comprehensive Analysis of the YNH Property Group

Key Events in the History of YNH Property Group

Founded in 1982, the YNH Property Group originated with a clear vision to redefine urban development through innovative and sustainable property solutions. Initially established as a small real estate firm, the company aimed to address the growing demand for high-quality residential and commercial properties in Malaysia. With a mission centered on elevating living standards and enhancing community welfare, YNH Property Group set its foundation for future growth.

The first major milestone for YNH Property Group came in 1994 with the acquisition of a significant land parcel in Kuala Lumpur. This strategic move allowed the company to embark on its first flagship project, a mixed-use development that seamlessly integrated residential, retail, and office spaces. The success of this project marked the beginning of YNH’s reputation for delivering high-value properties.

In the early 2000s, YNH Property Group entered into several key partnerships with international and local investors, which facilitated its expansion into new markets. Collaborating with well-established entities provided the financial backing and expertise needed to undertake larger and more complex projects. This period also saw the company diversify its portfolio, venturing into luxury condominiums, commercial hubs, and hospitality ventures.

However, the journey was not without challenges. The Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the global economic downturn in 2008 posed significant obstacles. Despite these setbacks, YNH Property Group demonstrated resilience by adopting adaptive strategies, such as cost optimization and market repositioning, to navigate the turbulent periods. These strategies not only helped the company survive but also emerge stronger.

Regulatory changes and evolving market conditions continuously influenced YNH Property Group’s strategies. For instance, Malaysia’s introduction of more stringent property development regulations in the late 2000s prompted the company to enhance compliance measures and prioritize sustainable practices. This adaptability ensured that YNH remained at the forefront of the industry.

Today, YNH Property Group stands as a testament to strategic foresight and unwavering commitment to excellence. Its history, punctuated by crucial acquisitions, strategic partnerships, and resilient responses to market challenges, provides a comprehensive understanding of the pivotal moments that have shaped its remarkable journey.

Major Players and Financial Positions of YNH Property Group

YNH Property Group is steered by a distinguished leadership team, comprising both its founders and a cadre of seasoned executives and board members. The company was founded by Datuk Dr. Yu Kuan Chon, who has played a pivotal role in its growth and strategic direction. His extensive experience in the real estate sector has been instrumental in navigating the company through various market cycles. Alongside him, the current executive team includes Datuk Dr. Yu Keet Chuan, the Managing Director, whose innovative approaches have significantly contributed to the company’s operational efficiency and market expansion.

The board of directors, featuring a blend of industry veterans and financial experts, ensures robust governance and strategic oversight. Their collective expertise spans across real estate development, financial management, and corporate strategy, positioning YNH Property Group for sustained success.

Financially, YNH Property Group maintains a robust and resilient position. Analyzing their latest financial statements reveals a diversified revenue stream, primarily driven by property development and investment holdings. The company has consistently demonstrated profitability, with a steady upward trajectory in its earnings per share (EPS). This metric underscores the company’s ability to generate value for its shareholders.

Critical financial metrics further highlight YNH Property Group’s sound financial health. The return on investment (ROI) reflects the company’s judicious allocation of capital to high-yield projects, ensuring optimal returns. Additionally, the debt-to-equity ratio indicates a balanced approach towards leveraging, maintaining a healthy mix of debt and equity financing to support growth without compromising financial stability.

Recent financial developments have also been noteworthy. The company has engaged in strategic mergers and acquisitions, augmenting its portfolio and market presence. These moves not only enhance immediate revenue prospects but also fortify the company’s long-term growth trajectory. Strategic investments in technology and sustainable development further underscore YNH Property Group’s commitment to innovation and future-readiness.

A Comprehensive Breakdown of the YNH Property Group

Key Events in the History of YNH Property Group

YNH Property Group has a rich history marked by significant milestones and pivotal moments that have contributed to its current standing in the real estate industry. The company was founded in 1982, initially focusing on small-scale residential developments. These early ventures laid the groundwork for what would become a diversified portfolio, encompassing commercial, residential, and hospitality properties.

One of the first major expansions for YNH Property Group occurred in the late 1990s when the company acquired several strategically located plots in Kuala Lumpur. This period marked a shift from its initial focus on residential projects to include commercial and mixed-use developments, significantly broadening its market reach. The acquisition of these prime locations allowed the company to undertake large-scale projects, establishing it as a formidable player in the Malaysian real estate sector.

In the early 2000s, YNH Property Group embarked on a series of landmark projects that have since become synonymous with its brand. Notable among these is the “Kiara 163” project, a mixed-use development that seamlessly integrates residential, commercial, and retail spaces. This project not only showcased the company’s innovative approach to urban development but also cemented its reputation for quality and reliability.

Expansion and diversification have been recurring themes in the company’s growth narrative. In 2015, YNH Property Group made headlines with the acquisition of a significant hotel property, expanding its footprint into the hospitality sector. This move was part of a broader strategy to diversify its revenue streams and mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations.

Like any major corporation, YNH Property Group has faced its share of challenges. The Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s posed significant hurdles, but the company demonstrated resilience through prudent financial management and strategic project delays. More recently, the global pandemic introduced unprecedented challenges, yet the company adapted by accelerating its digital transformation initiatives and focusing on sustainable development practices.

These key events collectively illustrate the evolution of YNH Property Group from a modest residential developer to a multifaceted real estate powerhouse. Each milestone has not only shaped its growth trajectory but also reinforced its commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability.

Major Players and Financial Positions of YNH Property Group

YNH Property Group has established itself as a formidable entity in the real estate sector, thanks in large part to its exceptional leadership and robust financial strategies. The major players at the helm of YNH Property Group include its founders, current executives, and influential board members, all of whom bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the company.

The founders of YNH Property Group, Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon and Dato’ Yu Kuan Huat, have been instrumental in laying the foundation for the company’s success. With their visionary leadership and strategic foresight, they have propelled YNH Property Group to new heights. Dato’ Dr. Yu Kuan Chon, who currently serves as the Executive Chairman, has an extensive background in property development and investment, while Dato’ Yu Kuan Huat, the Managing Director, brings a wealth of knowledge in financial management and corporate governance.

In addition to the founders, the executive team of YNH Property Group includes other key individuals who play pivotal roles in the company’s operations. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Lee Chee Wai, has a proven track record in driving growth and profitability. His expertise in strategic planning and project management has been crucial in executing the company’s vision. The board of directors also comprises seasoned professionals who contribute to the company’s strategic direction and governance.

Financially, YNH Property Group is in a strong position. The company’s recent financial reports indicate steady revenue growth and solid profitability. The primary revenue streams include residential and commercial property sales, rental income, and property management services. Strategic financial decisions, such as investments in high-growth areas and divestitures of non-core assets, have further strengthened the company’s financial health.

Moreover, partnerships with other leading players in the real estate industry have enhanced YNH Property Group’s market position. These alliances have enabled the company to leverage synergies and expand its reach. Overall, the financial stability and strategic leadership of YNH Property Group position it well for continued success and growth in the competitive real estate market.